When Mahatma Ghandi came to be the Prime Minister of India the British Parliamentarians became very suspicious of this half clad, wire glassed bare foot little man. An envoy was dispatched to India to find out if Ghandi was a threat to the Royal Kingdom. When the envoy returned to England he was immediately brought before the high counsel for a debriefing of what he had learned. The envoy reported that Ghandi was deemed a superman to the entire countrys population. And he wore no shoes so his feet had become very calloused. He was not a real old man but very fragile. And every time he spoke, he mystified his followers and all that listened to his words. His diet consisted of grasshoppers and honey so he had very bad breath as well. The high counsel then asked the envoy if there was just one word to define Mr. Ghandi. He thought a minute then said, Sir, I believe him to be a -