New forum moderators coming!

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Moderator: FORDification

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New forum moderators coming!

Post by FORDification »

With the FORDification forums getting as busy as they are these days, it's been decided that some additional help was necessary, to lighten the workload of our present moderators. Greg (Heep70) has been keeping busy lately with other aspects of his life and so hasn't been able to spend as much time here as in the past, which meant all the day-to-day moderating duties were being handled by Robert (Duckryder) and Shayne (Thunderfoot). While they both have been doing an amazing job, with the additional traffic we've been seeing, it was just getting to be more than they could handle by themselves.

So...over the next couple weeks, I'll be appointing some new forum moderators. A list of nominees was put together, based on factors such as overall knowledge and experience, favorable decorum while answering questions and regular forum attendance. I've contacted several members so far, and will be continuing to do so until eventually each forum will have it's own dedicated moderator, although there might be a little overlap. Robert and Shayne will be overseeing them as Group Leaders, while continuing their Mod duties.

The new forum Mods will help with questions and ensure that each thread in their respective forum remains on-topic. They'll also be getting started on some general house-cleaning, pruning some older posts which don't contain information worth saving. (As a result, you might notice your overall post count dropping a bit in the coming weeks.) Not only will this lighten the load on the database a bit, but it should help the search results a bit more relevant when searching and not force you to read through a lot of clutter to find what you're looking for. Eventually, all threads older than 90 days deemed worthy of saving will be posted into each forum's 'Archives' sub-forum.

The simple "Behave yourself and treat each other with respect" policy used in the past for posting and overall member conduct has worked well in the past, but as things grow here, we must take steps to accommodate that growth. Some newer members have hinted that since the Posting Guidelines don't specifically state they can't do something, then it must be OK. :roll: So to accommodate this fringe element, the Posting Guidelines are being rewritten to be a bit more specific and will be posted soon, and will spell out in no uncertain terms what can/cannot be done while posting on the FORDification forums. (We're not adding new rules per se, we're just actually writing down things that in the past were unspoken but generally understood by most.)

I'd like to personally thank Robert, Shayne and Greg for their help in the past. The FORDification forums are what they are because of your efforts and those efforts are greatly appreciated. And I'd also like to thank the new incoming Mods for stepping up to the plate and helping out where they can, and hope that you'll not be too hard on them (well, for at least a week or two!) :evil:

I will update this thread as each of the new forum Mods are officially installed.
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by FORDification »

As of this morning, Ranchero50 (Jamie) has been installed as the new Engine forum moderator. He'll be assisting Duckryder in this forum, as it's one of the busier places here and is probably one of the few forums that will have more than one Mod.

Welcome aboard Jamie! :thup:
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by DuckRyder »

Welcome Jamie! Glad to have you on board!

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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Thunderfoot »

:hi: Jamie :woohoo: :thup:
I'm not "Brand Loyal" Ford-Chevy-Dodge-Toyota I have them all, one even cross mixed...
If it Looks good and Works good then it's ok by me. Everything has its issues from time to time...

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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by 71highboy »

jamie glad to have you be a moderator but when are you going to find time to do the milling work that you are so good at ?
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Mancar1 »

Congrats Jamie. You will make a good one. :thup:
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Ranchero50 »

Thanks guys, there's over 7500 threads in the engine section, I plan on sorting them and gleaning the good info while disposing of the weak ones. This is going to take a long time but should be worth it in the end. :)

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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Doug Comer »

Good luck Jamie. :thup:
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by 67mann »

:clap: jamie...congrats

Kieth don't want to :bdh: but, alot of space and time could be saved in the classified's.....alot of single post/no reply :dk:
Not sure what can be done,but something or someone should moderate down there :2cents:
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Re: 7500 topics on the wall...

Post by mlheppl »

[to Jamie] I see you're sporting new green lettering. Congratulations. Good luck on the new assignment. it will be a lot of work, but will be very beneficial to the sight.
Last edited by DuckRyder on Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added jamie
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Re: 7500 topics on the wall...

Post by basketcase0302 »

Congrats Jamie on your Mod status. No one more deserving, that's for sure! :thup:
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by hdpusher »

Congrats Jamie.
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Thunderfoot »

67mann wrote: Kieth don't want to :bdh: but, alot of space and time could be saved in the classified's.....alot of single post/no reply :dk:
Not sure what can be done,but something or someone should moderate down there :2cents:
:hmm: Humm, that is one of the area's that I have started keeping up with, (I thought) I cleaned out pages and pages of stuff there the first of the year then I have been trying to clean out stuff over a couple of months or so old, and every couple of weeks I go through all the CL and Ebay ads, click on each link and delete them if they are sold or gone...
It helps when people sell stuff or are looking for something that they post it sold or they found one, I delete it when I see that. Not sure what else could be done there from that. :dk:

EDIT: I just cleaned this out 2+hrs from when I posted this :) it was time... For those that do post in that area it is Greatly Appreciated when you edit the title showing SOLD or DELETE, etc. makes it a bunch easier then have to open and read through every post. :wink: :thup:
Also, if your looking for something or selling something, BUMP it up once in a while if your still messing with it, otherwise it will be deleted after about 2-3 months of inactivity as we (I) have no idea if your still looking/selling or if you found something/sold it. :wink: :wink:

For the Readers, if you read a post like a CL ad that is dead send us a note about it to help point it out to us, or click on the "report post" and leave a note there and we'll get it. But like I a said above; I try to go through them every couple of weeks or so but the CL or Ebay listings can expire in-between cleaning times...

I'm not "Brand Loyal" Ford-Chevy-Dodge-Toyota I have them all, one even cross mixed...
If it Looks good and Works good then it's ok by me. Everything has its issues from time to time...

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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by 67mann »

Thank you Shayne(and all the mods)for the great job you do and the time you put into this board.

It helps when people sell stuff or are looking for something that they post it sold or they found one, I delete it when I see that. Not sure what else could be done there from that.

EDIT: I just cleaned this out 2+hrs from when I posted this it was time... For those that do post in that area it is Greatly Appreciated when you edit the title showing SOLD or DELETE, etc. makes it a bunch easier then have to open and read through every post.

I understand what your saying and do Think the poster should be more Attenative to the outcome,be it selling or looking for parts :)
A :clap: :clap: to those that do make part hunting and selling a Pleasure
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by 1971ford »

GOod job cleaning up, it must be lots of work...

Only one thread that i wish was still up, heep70's highboy-for-sale thread because of all the specs on his truck but that thread was pretty old with no activity
I'll start putting SOLD in the title, good to know :thup:

And I nominate averagef250 for 4x4 section mod... if he has the time. Dustin has LOTS of 4x4 knowledge and isn't afraid to speak the truth. Super nice guy on the phone too...
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