So...over the next couple weeks, I'll be appointing some new forum moderators. A list of nominees was put together, based on factors such as overall knowledge and experience, favorable decorum while answering questions and regular forum attendance. I've contacted several members so far, and will be continuing to do so until eventually each forum will have it's own dedicated moderator, although there might be a little overlap. Robert and Shayne will be overseeing them as Group Leaders, while continuing their Mod duties.
The new forum Mods will help with questions and ensure that each thread in their respective forum remains on-topic. They'll also be getting started on some general house-cleaning, pruning some older posts which don't contain information worth saving. (As a result, you might notice your overall post count dropping a bit in the coming weeks.) Not only will this lighten the load on the database a bit, but it should help the search results a bit more relevant when searching and not force you to read through a lot of clutter to find what you're looking for. Eventually, all threads older than 90 days deemed worthy of saving will be posted into each forum's 'Archives' sub-forum.
The simple "Behave yourself and treat each other with respect" policy used in the past for posting and overall member conduct has worked well in the past, but as things grow here, we must take steps to accommodate that growth. Some newer members have hinted that since the Posting Guidelines don't specifically state they can't do something, then it must be OK.

I'd like to personally thank Robert, Shayne and Greg for their help in the past. The FORDification forums are what they are because of your efforts and those efforts are greatly appreciated. And I'd also like to thank the new incoming Mods for stepping up to the plate and helping out where they can, and hope that you'll not be too hard on them (well, for at least a week or two!)

I will update this thread as each of the new forum Mods are officially installed.