He was playing very well and having a great time. Then he came to a dreaded par-4 hole. He hit the ball in a decent drive that started to fall well-short of the green.
Something amazing happened, however. A wind came up and blew the ball forward. The ball sailed over water traps and bounced around sand traps.
Finally the ball made it to the green. It rolled past the hole and then gently back around. For a second it teetered on the edge of the hole. Then it fell right in.
The preacher was stunned. He made a hole-in-one on a par-4! He started jumping up and down in excitement.
Up in heaven, an angel was watching this. The angel turned to God and said, "I don't get it. He skips church to go golfing, and you gave him an amazing hole in one."
God replied to the angel with a smile, "Who's he going to tell?"