I've got a set of headers hanging in the garage. They were only used a few months but now have some surface rust. If I were to clean them up real well what would be my best bet to paint them with? Would a regular high temp engine paint hold up? Thanks.
Painting Headers
- jor
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- tazzman68
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re: Painting Headers
try POR20, I have heard wonderful things about it. It should do the trick for ya.
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re: Painting Headers
not familiar with the por20, but john deer tractor manifold paint is a good product. Not saying the por20 isn't.
pardon me.
pardon me.
- 67F250CS
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re: Painting Headers
Wow keep us updated on this. Im sure every member that has non-coated headers is of will have this problem. I know mine look like sandpaer now on the outside.
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10MPG with key off, in neutral and going downhill!
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re: Painting Headers
Eastwood has a header coating. There's also ceramic coating by companies like JetHot.
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1971 Ford F250 CS, SC, 2X4, 390, C6
- jor
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re: Painting Headers
Thanks, guys. I'll check into Eastwood, John Deere and Por-20 (I'm sure the ceramic coating would be too expensive). I'll make a choice, do it and post some photos.
- cobraF100
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re: Painting Headers
There's a JetHot Coater in the central Arizona area.I saw some post of a few that have gotten theres done there and I think it was about $175.00 and that may have been with shipping also.
There's a JetHot Coater in the central Arizona area.I saw some post of a few that have gotten theres done there and I think it was about $175.00 and that may have been with shipping also.
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re: Painting Headers
I've used a lot of Eastwood paints with success. But I've heard their header paints sucks. Just what I heard.
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