Since this brochure ended up being about 1/4" wider than my flatbed scanner, each page required me to scan it (at least) twice and then stitch the two together so they'd be seamless. However, since pages 2/3 and 4/5 of this brochure flowed together, they required more work. In fact, page 5 required a total of FIVE scans just for that page, to ensure that I wouldn't have to attempt erasing a seam across an image on the page. It was a lot of work, but worth it.
Oh, and just as a warning. I kept pages 2/3 and 4/5 together as a pair, instead of posting them individually, so the larger linked image is in very high resolution. For those of you on dial-up accounts, it'll take a minute to download, so be prepared. you go:

1970 Ford Pickup Factory Salesman's Brochure
As always, this page has been linked to from the Factory Literature Collection Index.