The latest (and greatest, IMO) is the attachment mod. This mod allows you to attach a graphic file to a forum post directly from your computer. The image's filesize cannot be any larger than 500KB though, so if you have huge hi-resolution pictures from your digital camera, you're definitely going to have to resize them smaller to be able to attach them. (CLICK HERE for a tutorial on resizing graphics.) Also, make sure all pictures that are attached are in a .jpg format. Small .gif files are OK (like with animations or logos), but do not use the .gif format for a full-color picture, since not only will the filesize will be double or even triple that of a .jpg, but the image quality will be terrible.
There are a couple things I need to bring up as well:
1) Please don't reattach the same image more than once. If you attach a picture of your truck in one thread, it's not necessary to attach the same image to a post in another thread. Instead, post a link to the original thread with your attachment, or view the attachment and then copy/paste the URL into your post and include the [img]and[/img] tags to display it inline. Reposting of the same picture repeatedly just wastes server space.
2) I will occasionally be pruning forum posts, and as I do, the accompanying attachments will also be pruned...just an FYI.
When you go to make a post, you'll see the "Add an Attachment" button under the main dialog box. Click on that to bring up the attachment options. Click on the Browse button to find the image on your computer.
I told everyone when I uninstalled this a couple months ago that no previous attachments would be lost. Well, I guess I lied. We did lose quite a few. We still have all attachments made up through May 2005....but after that, we lost everything with a filename starting with the letter 'e' and lower. That is, if the attachment file was named 'bumpside.jpg', then it was saved. If the file was named 'mybumpside.jpg', then it was lost. Sorry about that. There was nothing I could do. Oh well....a little housecleaning every now and then isn't that bad.