Fordification frozen this morning?

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Re: search problem

Post by PhantomoftheBumpside »

The wait is set in phpBB, prevents overloading the server from excessive database access when tons of people and or bots are active... it could be changed, but it is probably set the way it is because the host was complaining about bandwidth usage...

If you do a search, or check your own posts (also a search), or check active posts (same deal) you can always use your back button to go back to the results cached by your browser (or right click history for further back if you've read a couple pages) this should keep you in results during the short wait for another 'real' or fresh search.
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Re: search problem

Post by Bummer72 »

Same here... When I click on the "2" or "next" for the next page, I get jammed with the damn "wait message".....wait for what?
I like this website...I don't want to search other forums for info...but when I need to learn something, I gotta do what I gotta do.....
FWIW, I don't like to search other forums. Please help!
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Re: Fordification frozen this morning?

Post by DuckRyder »

Something is up again...

Can't perform most actions (post, banning spammers, moving, merging, closing, and so forth) with IE...
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Re: Fordification frozen this morning?

Post by sargentrs »

I get around it by googling what I'm looking for and include "fordification" after it. It's actually better than the internal search. For example... google search on "hydroboost" "fordification" and you'll get all fordification posts with hydroboost in them. You'll get some others too but you will get the fordification threads, too. Google with quotation marks around it nails it to that specific chain of text, too. That google search yields 10 different posts with the words power steering pump in that exact sequence. I find most threads I'm looking for that way. Never had much luck with the internal search engine. Then you can click on the thread and "back" to the google search for the next one. Just a little personal quirk of mine. :wink:
1970 F100 Sport Custom Limited LWB, 302cid, 3 on the tree. NO A/C, NO P/S, NO P/B. Currently in 1000 pcs while rebuilding. Project thread: ... 22&t=59995 Plan: 351w, C4, LSD, pwr front disc, p/s, a/c, bucket seats, new interior and paint.
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Re: Fordification frozen this morning?

Post by patrickdotryan »

To add on to what Sargentrs says above an even better way to search is to use Google Adavaced as your search engine (I have it as my default).

This allows you to use Google to search only one domain (, but also to use exact phrases ("fuel line"), OR (size OR diameter), AND, certain date ranges and all kinds of other cool things - all the things that the regular Fordification search doesn't offer. And for the nerds amongst us, Google Advanced just is a neat way to use boolean searches without needing to know the protocols, but when you hit search it just does the boolean search for you in the search box, so you can see what terms it used (size OR diameter "fuel line" and you'll learn the shortcuts, which you can then apply to plain old Google or most other search engines. Patrick
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MS troubles

Post by bluef250 »

I am having trouble with MS Explorer. Switch to Google Chrome and most problems went away. Getting error message saying too many on server. Any suggestions? Thanks
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Re: MS troubles

Post by kf7mjf »

Don't use Explorer. It's kinda like using a Chevy Volt for a race car. Yeah, you might finish the course, but you'll wonder why you even bothered.
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Re: MS troubles

Post by DCrusher »

having the same issue it's not just IE it also appears on my IPhone too this is the error

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General Error

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

User fordific4 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [1203]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

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Re: MS troubles

Post by bluef250 »

Same message I received, I switched to Chrome and most issues are resolved.
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Re: Fordification frozen this morning?

Post by Nitekruizer »

I've been having problems lately too. I can't start a new topic. I can only post in existing threads. I can't "preview" my posts. In both cases I lose what I'm trying to post. I also can not "edit" my posts.
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Need Computer help

Post by 69Ford »

On my main computer Fordification will not come up. Computer says it can not display webpage. All other web pages work fine. I thought the webpage was
down until I tried my labtop works perfect. Can anyboby help Thanks
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Re: Need Computer help

Post by Superjunk »

This was taken from the other site...

You HAVE to delete ALL your FORDification cookies and bookmarks from your browser...then empty your browser history and cache. Close the browser and then restart, and type in into your browser. Once there, reset your bookmark, and log in, making sure to check the box that says "Log me in automatically". You guys shouldn't have any problems after that.

I did it and it fixed the problem..

Hope this helps..
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Re: Fordification frozen this morning?

Post by basketcase0302 »

Yeah something happened to it this afternoon it seemed like... :(
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Re: Need Computer help

Post by FreakysFords »

I was having to do this every couple days or I'd lose ability to open posts. Really couldn't keep killing all my sites, so I found this today............. Working well so far. Didn't have to clear anything other the right click here at the site.

Firefox addon here
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Re: Need Computer help

Post by cowbay »

I have the same problem on my ipad where I can not sign on. On my laptop no problem
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