1972 Paint Codes - need some help

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1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by FORDification »

OK people...after a couple questions in other threads here asking about the 1972 paint codes, I spent several hours last night and several more hours this afternoon reworking the code listings on the 1972 VIN data page but have found some discrepancies. I was hoping anyone with paint code sources other than the three I used could compare my findings with what you have and see how it compares.

What's amazing is the conflicting information I'm getting from my sources. The three sources I'm using are:
  • 1) '72 factory brochure "Ford Light Truck Color Selections", which lists codes and has chips for pickups, vans and Broncos (this brochure is now scanned and posted on the '72 VIN data page)
    2) "Ford Truck ID Numbers 1946-1972" (I've found other errors in this book, so I take the info here with a grain of salt)
    3) PPG/Ditzler paint chip sheet (also now posted on the '72 VIN data page)
Many of the codes listed in the ID Numbers book as being available on pickups show as only being available on Broncos or vans in the factory brochure, so I'm just guessing that the authors of that book just got the codes from a PPG sheet (or similar) that shows all colors used for vans, Broncos AND trucks but doesn't always note specific applications.

Here are a few of the discrepancies I've found (so far). I've found a few other but just haven't included them here:
  • 1) - Code 'W' in the factory paint chip brochure shows 'Saddletan' (Bronco, trucks) and 'Bay Roc Blue Metallic' (vans), but the PPG sheet shows just the opposite...this it says 'Saddletan' is for vans and 'Bay Roc Blue Metallic' is for Broncos and trucks. The truck ID book simply notes this code as 'Med. Blue Metallic' for trucks
    2) - Many codes listed in both the PPG sheet and the truck ID book aren't shown at all in the factory paint chip brochure. These are noted as "(3)" on the VIN data page above. (If anyone ever sees a truck VIN plate with these codes on them, PLEASE take a pic of it and forward it to me, so I can try to sort it out.)
    3) - Code "S" isn't shown in the factory paint chip brochure at all, but is listed in the truck ID book as 'Med. Turquoise' and is listed TWICE on the PPG sheet: 'Lime Gold Poly' (2388) as a "1971 color only" and 'Shenandoah Green' (2420). Yet on the '71 PPG paint chip sheet, there is NO code "S", and 'Lime Gold Poly is a code "8" (2054). :hmm:
    4) - The factory paint chip brochure has a paint chip for code "P" but doesn't list it's application.
As you can see, there are some details that need to be worked out so the info on this page is correct...or at least as correct as possible, considering the various conflicting info I've seen so far. If anyone can help add to the confusion, please do so. ;)
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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by DuckRyder »

To add to the confusion.

I was once told two things that might help explain some things.

1) The same color did not have the same name for US and Canada built trucks.

2) ANY color used on any Ford, Lincoln or Mercury could be ordered on a special order.

I have no idea if those are true or not, but it is information that was communicated to me, and I filed away as something that might be useful at some point.

In addition, it was common back then for special packages (and I assume particular colors) to be available only in certain areas. I wonder if your factory paint chip might be tailored to a particular region?

FWIW, every color on the Ditzler (PPG) sheet that I have had occasion to look up has crossed accurately to current Akzo/Sikkens information. It is also likely that the factory information was compiled PRIOR to the year and the Ditzler was compiled after or during the year.

Nothing particularly useful there but some things to think about. :hmm:
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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by willowbilly3 »

I was thinking of the special order colors too. I remember there was a pink F-100 with the fake vinyle top and it came from the factory that way. When I was ordering my 76 there was about 2 pages of special order colr chips but they really didn't like to do it because they apparently had trouble matching them in the body shop. Maybe they had no code as in all special orders had an S or something.
All I have is the 72 showroom paint chip placard and i can't find it right now.
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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by FORDification »

Hmmmm.....good points. I'll keep that in mind while researching this out some more. In fact, I think I might just include those ideas in the appropriate spot on each VIN data page, in case somebody with a special-order or odd-ball truck decides that the data is incorrect or incomplete. Thanks!
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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by sdranch71 »


Here are the 72 paint codes and names from the 64-72 Truck Master Parts Catalog, Final Revision, dated January 1975. I have included the Ford part numbers (for quart cans of enamel, the prefix is AE60 and the suffix is C, as in AE60-3429-C):

B Lt. Blue 3429
C Pure White 1525
D Lt. Gold 3439
E Med. Blue Metallic 5087
F Lt. Green 5058
G Chrome Yellow 1526
H Med. Beige 3529
J Red 1515
K Med. Goldenrod Yellow 3492 (exc. Econoline which is Med Ivy Green 3150)
L Dark Green 1237
M White 1617
N Platinum 921
O Med. Green Metallic 5187
P Med. Green Metallic 3468
Q Lt. Yellow Green 5060
R Med. Ginger Metallic 5186 (exc. Econoline which is Aqua 3066)
S Med. Turquoise 5054
T Red 2008
V Dark Green 5005
W Med. Blue Metallic 5108 (exc. Econoline which is Lt. Ginger 3516)
Y Not listed for trucks in 72
Z Not listed for trucks in 72
1 Calypso Coral 1730
2 Maroon 3059
3 Med. Bright Aqua 5006
5 Bright Yellow 3470
6 Bright Medium Blue 5004
7 Dark Blue 2098
8 Yellow 3341
9 No mention

There are also 3 codes shown as available for 72 trucks that you do not have on your list:

U Med. Lime Metallic 5021
X Lt. Goldenrod Yellow 3565
4 Grabber Blue 3657

There are lots of unique Canada only color codes for earlier years, but not for 1972. Special order paint was available, and the data plate would be blank under paint code. If the special order paint was a Ford color from another line with a unique code, I have heard that code could show up on the data plate, but have no first hand knowledge of this.

Also, this data from the MPC is only for Pickups/Econolines/Heavy Trucks. Bronco's were considered cars by Ford Parts and their paint codes are in the car MPC.

Hope this helps a little.

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Re: re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by FORDification »

sdranch71 wrote:...

There are also 3 codes shown as available for 72 trucks that you do not have on your list:

U Med. Lime Metallic 5021
X Lt. Goldenrod Yellow 3565
4 Grabber Blue 3657

Jim: I was doing some more revisions to the '72 paint codes on the VIN Data page, and was wondering where you got the U, X and 4 paint codes. You don't have them listed with those being in the MPC. Take a look at the newly updated 1972 VIN Data page and you'll see how I have the codes table set up. Where can I list those three codes? None of those three are listed in the factory paint chip brochure or the Martin Senour paint chip sheet, though they ARE shown on the PPG paint chip sheet.

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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by sdranch71 »


Sorry I wasn't very clear; the U, X and 4 paint codes are also from the MPC. I just seperated them out from the main list to highlight them.

My hunch is these colors were the three 1972 springtime Explorer special colors, which is why they don't show up in the showroom brochure or on many paint chip charts which were printed early in the model year. I base this hunch on the fact that other years generally had 2-3 special Explorer only colors, and 2 of these colors (Lime Green & Grabber Blue) were among them.

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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by wt4speed »

I also have one that I ve not seen on any '72 color chart when I did my '72 short wide and my buddie paint it for me the paint code off the tag was yuma yellow , not bright or plain yellow but "Yuma"we pulled paint code off the build plate and if If I remember correctly it was and Imron color ,thats right it was that long ago Imron was still legal and pretty readily avalible to spray.

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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by Ozark Tim »

I am new to this site, and just purchased a 1972 F-100 Explorer. I was surprised that it had a paint code I had never seen before, and then here I am on the site for the first time and you folks are talking about the very fact. Mine is a code X. It is a light yellow, or tanish yellow with a black roof. According to the VIN # it was produced between 12/71 and 3/72, and it is an Explorer package. I bet your hunch is correct.
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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by DuckRyder »

Well, I'll be darned... :wink:

Tim, Welcome, be sure to check in at the welcome mat.

Go ahead and get your pictures ready too, we REALLY like pictures! :shh:

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re: 1972 Paint Codes - need some help

Post by Ozark Tim »

About the pictures. I would be happy to, but I am computer challenged. Any one that could walk me through? I do have a couple of pics already that I have at least figured out how to download from digital camera to computer.
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