Anyway I'm going to remove the In Man. I'm nervous as hell. I've never done anything like this before. Firstly, should I do this considering the year? I think so. What are the alternatives? Not really looking for an answer to that

I assume I have to remove the dizzy, the water neck and upper rad hose, carburetor and any other wires and hoses that get in the way? I'll take the hood off too for easier access. The In Man looks heavy. I have an overhead winch. I could use that. Are there lifting points on the manifold?. So I carefully take this thing off, cause I've read the china walls are, well like china. Scrape all the old gasket and RTV off. I've read conflicting info about replacing the gasket as opposed to just using RTV? Also read about using front and back rubber "corner brackets" or not? What's the consensus on a really good sealant product?. So in my mind I seal up the bottom of the manifold, let it set up and then lower it onto the block. What's to stop all the goop from shifting out of place while maneuvering the heavy manifold into position? Then re-bolt and torque to spec following the sequence.
Oh yah, just to back up...what am I looking for when I remove the intake? Will I be able to see cracks, imperfections in the decking?
Sorry for barfing this all out. Feels good to get it all written down. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.