Boy, it's been a minute. Since my last posting I took the truck over to a neighbor's for a tune job which turned into a carb rebuild, resetting the timing, setting the timing, setting the points, and then tuning the carb. I made it most of the way home before the truck hit a bump and started running like garbage. Long story short, when the p.o. replaced the rusted out fuel tank he didn't replace the plugged fuel filters. A new fuel pump and a new inline filter later and it was ready to rock!
Fast forward to it's maiden voyage after that work, it started giving me starting issues where it acted like it had a weak battery. But, if I left it in gear it would fire up as soon as I turned the key. I had a surgery coming up so I decided to leave the issues until I came home. My brother wanted to see what driving his 69 would be like so I told him to drive my truck. When I came home I saw my brother under the hood of my truck, turns out he replaced the starter solenoid, the negative battery cable, and the starter. One of those three fixed the starting issue and it was back to being the easiest starting vehicle on the property!
My brother ran the new tires from his truck on mine for a few months, and I ran them for a little bit while I tooled around in the truck as well but eventually they were swapped back. The bug had already bitten by then and $2100 later I had a new set of slicks for my truck! Also, I'm working at Napa so as soon as my employee discount kicks in I'll be picking up more parts.

1968 F250: Old Whitey. Almost replaced Old Red. Sold.
1968 F250: The Blur. Replaced by New Red. Sold.
1969 F250 4x4: Old Red. 3rd gen family truck. Retired in favor of New Red.
1970 F250: Big Red. One of my brother's many (sold) trucks.
1971 F250 4x4: Yella or "Big Mustard". My truck.
1992 F250 4x4: New Whitey. Sold in favor of Old Red.
2000 F250 4x4 Diesel: New Red. Project hauler extraordinaire.
2015 F350 4x4 Diesel: The White Truck. Wrecked and rebuilt.
2019 F350 4x4: Diesel: White Lightnin'. Workhorse and luxury combined.