Take a look at the pics and if you have any experience in treating this area let me know as most of the info I found on it involved replacing metal and I am no where near needing to do that.
This is the passenger side right after I pulled out the gunk from inside and underneath it (I cleaned it up much better and rinsed it out so it does look better than this).

Driver side kick panel, first pic is the rear side toward the door with drain hole. The second and third are up toward the top of the cowl from inside the kick panel. The final is the pile of crud from inside the driver side (the pile from the passenger side was 3-4 times the amount).

You can also see the crud trapped at the top of the cowl before dropping down into the kick panel area of the vent. It was there AFTER flushing the upper cowl with a hose and had to be dislodged with a coat hanger. So remember if you do this to use the camera phone to take a look around the inside of the area as you will be surprised how much of that stuff is hung up after the years. I also plan on pulling the plugs at the front of the cowl and the front of the kick panel areas to help spray/treat the areas.