Yuuuup. I'm here. Btw, I finally got my rig out of dry dock! And here's my OEM swaybar:Craigerf100 wrote:Anyone out there

It looks like the front end is higher but it's an illusion....

here she is on a level surface. It has a 0.75-inch rake

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Yuuuup. I'm here. Btw, I finally got my rig out of dry dock! And here's my OEM swaybar:Craigerf100 wrote:Anyone out there
Thanks! Yeah, I shot the bar with engine paint.. the color I didn't use after doing a spray out. it's going to good use.Craigerf100 wrote:Looks great hiodid u paint the bar that color? I'm liking your bumper, u added those lights? I take it Looks good.