So today was a good day and a bad day. I will let you read through the events and look at the pictuers so you can decide for yourself which was which.
I took today off of work because CNM67 had today off and was available to help me get my motor and tranny in my truck. Since I am working on a driveway with an incline, this is not something that one wants to tackle on their own as the weight of a cherry picker holding a 460 with tranny is a bit much to hold.
Anyway, as our luck would have it, the true SoCal summer decided to show up and it was over 100 by 10am. I think it peaked between 105 and 107 where we live.
So started off this morning taking the hood and front clip off as that makes things so much easier. I also used my brand new $100 "easy up" over the engine bay to give us some nice shade to work in.
I promptly displayed some new yard art to impress the local homeowners association and my neighbors across the street that like to take pictures of my work and provide them to the Homeowners association for their enjoyment. I am sure I will be getting yet another letter of appreciation.
Took the big 460 off the stand where it has been resting for the past 2 years and got it on the hoist. We then pulled out the C6 from its resting place and proceeded to mate the 2 together. I kinda wish I had painted the C6 instead of just cleaning it, but since no one sees it unless they crawl under the truck, it is no big deal I guess...
Got the motor mounts, starter, and headers on...
We decided to fill the motor and tranny with oil and ATF to see if there were any leaks before putting them in the truck. As we were doing this, the dead air that had been surrounding us all day long decided to change and a strong gust of wind came out of nowhere. The "easy-up" caught the gust and started to take off upwards. I grabbed the leg that was closest to me (by the garage) and yelled at Caleb to grab the other leg to help keep it away from the truck. Before I could finish my statement, I watched as all 4 legs were off the ground and the flying leg near the drivers side caught the drivers door as it was lifting upward.
I pushed the leg I was holding into the garage in an attempt to salvage what I could of the paint job and proceeded to snap the aluminum leg in half along with a lot of the upper support. But at least the maneuver grounded the flying easy-up and got it off of the drivers door.
Anyway, this is what I was left with when it was all done...

I will take the truck back to the shop when it is all together and get that spot taken care of...
And this is the price that my brand new $100 easy up had to pay as I took my anger out on it....
Anyway, once that ordeal was done and I took my anger out on the pile of scrap aluminum that was once our shade, we got back to putting everything into the truck. There were some obstacles we had to overcome with our motor mounts, trans crossmember, and header clearance, but after a couple calls to Bobbyford for some help, we got it all figured out and everything is now sitting pretty in the truck.
Got the front clip and hood back on the truck so the Homeowners association doesn't lynch me and took some final pictures for the night...