Drove the truck out to Cars and Coffee on Saturday last weekend and it was good. Super gentle, not even close to boost.
Upon leaving there the truck died headed up to the freeway offramp. Managed to get the power shut down clear whatever was going on with it and it made it back home.
It did it again leaving the freeway (different freeway) and conveniently there was a police officer behind me.....he was rather aggitated at my situation, especially since I think he was getting ready to pull me over. He flipped his lights on and i got the truck started (still no accelerator pedal function) and limped it up and off the off ramp and then off the main road. He could sense my frustration, asked if I needed a hand and went on his merry way.
Setting a code this time and I could not get it to clear. Found out that the code has something to do with tac module, accelerator position switch or throttle body.
So I started to unplug TAC module and worked my way down the line until I could get the code cleared.
Limped it back home and started going through the troubleshooting steps. Spent the entire day on saturday going through all the TAC wiring, tac operation, grounds, power, signal and the like.
While doing some resistance testing on the pedal I began to find that the APP2 resistance and APP1 resistance were not reading anywhere near the factory specs and learned how the computer uses those signals together to determine actual pedal position.
I managed to track down a replacement at a local parts place and picked it up about 10 minutes before they closed.
Got it installed and I have not seen that code again. Back to getting MAF and Knock codes now
I am trying to get all the little details done now. One thing that was bothering me terribly were the ugly ass stock valve covers with the bosses for the coil packs.
I looked for weeks for the right setup to just buy new but could not come up with anything that I liked so I went to town on the stockers cleaning them up.
I cut off all the bosses and filled the non structural holes with JB weld. THen ground everything down all nice and flush and went over the entire valve cover with a DA to get it smooth.
I am sure you have all seen a stock cover, so here is my cut down post next to a finished one.

Here is the finished product in better light. I think they look good, hit it with some VHT Wrinkle black and baked it on for an hour in my makeshift oven. Cardboard box sealed up with a hair dryer running in a hole cut in the box.

Much better than the silver crap with the posts on it.

Also managed to take my very, very understanding and super excited better half out for a first little drive. To say she was excited is an understatement.

And I have the PLX stuff up and running very nicely now. Stuff is pretty slick and I am super happy with the operation. Running a tablet via bluetooth and being able to see diagnostics, guages and log data all while not hooked to anything is pretty bad ass.
Here is a screen shot, guages are totally customizable but this is the Dash Command setup.
Would buy again in a heartbeat.

Managed to snap a quick photo of the truck out and about with some descent sunlight last night out trying out the gas pedal some more.
Insert photo here when Photobucket decides to upload my photos.
Was a long weekend of frustration and to top it off I put a dent in the drivers door on a curb. Its all the way at the bottom of the door, but its still there......It made me literally sick to my stomach. I think I made this thing too nice for me to own, I like to use stuff