Been wanting to get my hands on a plasma cutter for some time, but they are pricey! Even the Harbor Freight units are over $600! Found various Chinese units on Fee-Bay, but was leery, but found several good reviews and demonstrations on Youtube and one guy even did a 1 or 2 year follow up and it was still running strong.
Anyway, the are a lot of various "makes", but you'll see that the models are mostly all Cut40, Cut50, etc. Same units, just different paint jobs as they are sold by different people.
I ended up getting this one for half the Harbor Freight cost:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/CAL-Electric-Pl ... 19e6283ecb
And I am impressed, it uses no gas, just air from your compressor, and it eats steel. It exceeded my expectations, I'm used to cutting with a torch so that's the speed I'm used to, but this thing fires right off cutting instantly and keeps going.
Like I said, there's a lot of variety of these on ebay, I just picked this one because it's in California so I'd get it quicker and it comes with 40 consumables. There are a few units that are a little cheaper if you hunt around.
Probably a bit light duty for shop use, but it'll be great for home and garage.
Thought I'd pass that along. Been quiet in this garage section lately.