looking for any tips to make it a decent amateur auto shop. to start with, should i just paint over the black floors? any other flooring options? good floor colors?
next would be lighting. it currently has two ceiling fans with lights, and i know the door opener will have a light. any suggestions for some good shop lighting? affordable sources? placement?
really just wanting a good comfortable space to work on my 69 ranger and future projects. i will be dedicating a small corner for office duties like reading Technical Articles, watching how to videos, and bugging you guys for advice when i am in need of help

i have a good collection of hand tools and planning on getting a mig welder, engine stand, engine hoist, and decent air compressor. any suggestions on must have tools for my new bump workshop?

i am a recovering alcoholic and i think this will be a great fun hobby to keep me busy and out of trouble.
Thanks for any advice. really looking forward to getting my garage set up, and diving head first into this beautiful old truck.