Damn...what a day!

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Damn...what a day!

Post by FORDification »

It's a little before 7 PM here. I have a few minutes to smoke a cigarette before taking over watching the boys, so I thought I'd let you all know about MY day. It started off really good, but then went downhill fast....

Got a raise this morning :hd: ....then got into a major yelling match with my supervisor this afternoon over some stupid trivial things :x ....then my wife had an appointment to take Brianna (4 months old) to the clinic to get her checked out late this afternoon. Brianna's had a bad cough over the past few days and it hasn't been getting any better, despite everything we've tried and everything the doctor's recommended over the phone. After an X-ray and some tests, we find out she's got RSV (an infant's version of a bad cold) and a slight case of pneumonia in one lung. :( She was just admitted to the hospital for a few days and Mary's going to stay up there with her. In the meatime it'll be just us guys hanging out at the house.

I promised several people I'd check on some parts this weekend, but needless to say I won't be getting in any shop time as I'd originally planned. Some things are more important. I'll still be on the forums in the evenings after the boys go to bed, and I'll keep you all informed about how things go.

Man...one thing I can say is it's never boring around here! :o
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Post by fordman »

man take care of the home front first. i hope your daughter gets better soon.
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by MIX BREED 72 »

Hope the lil one gets better I have been there too.
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by GT-Racer »

They say RSV is nothing to take lightly. Take care and the parts will still be there later. Hope all goes well.
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Post by 72hiboy4x4 »

oh man thats terrible!
sorry to hear it. we send you best wishes from here!

but hey! at least you got a raise!! and I get into yelling matches with my (moronic) boss all the time!
Its amazing I'm not unemployed :lol: so don't feel bad. hehe
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by wolfpack »

That sounds about like our day here.... I can honestly say that I know what you are going through with the little one. Our 3 yr old had RSV when she was 3 mos. , It definitely made for some long nights. Now, we have another problem with our 3 yr old. Tuesday we noticed that she had alot of bruising and Wednesday morning it was even worse. So, my wife took her to the doctor and we are still not for sure what is wrong. Everytime you touch her she bruises. What we do know is that her blood platelet level is so low that it is almost not showing up in her labs at all. They are hoping that it is ITP which is where the immune system attacks and kills the platelets in the blood. They now have her on steroids to purposely weaken her immune system so that the platelets can rebuild on their own. If the platelet levels are not up by Monday then she will probably have to have a transfusion. They are also running test for leukemia, bone marrow cancer, and lupus. This waiting game stinks. So we are in for the sleepless nights again till monday. Hopefully by then we will know something for sure. So, for now we will include your little one in our prayers. Terry
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by heep70 »

Family first dude. Hope Brianna gets well soon.

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Post by DuckRyder »

Hope Brianna gets well fast, family first, everything else later...
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by 19674x4 »

Wow, Keith, Terry, I will definetally keep you guys in our prayers, hope the little one's get better. I thought my day was bad with finals coming up
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Post by Comet »

Keith, we got yer back. Take care of the baby and I hope she gets well soon!
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Post by 1968flareside »

Keith, take care of that family, don't worry bout the parts.

Terry and Keith, we'll be praying here for all of you!
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by trukcrazy »

Take care of them babies guys. They always come first. I hope they get well soon, John.
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by adak57 »

Keith, and Terry... Hang in there and will be sending positive thoughts your way.

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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by wolfpack »

thanks everyone. Keith let us know how your baby is doing keep us posted were saying our prays for you to. Right now were just giving lacee steriods to knock her immunity out so maybe her platelets will build back up all we can do is wait and hope. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone.....Terry and family...
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re: Damn...what a day!

Post by dotcentral »

Keith & Wolfpack, good luck with your children, hope it all clears up soon.
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