Tpdaniels wrote:I have followed your progress over last several months and and have never seen such a determined young man. if we could get the rest of your generation to be more like you, that meaning not only use your brain but use your talents to do something besides watching TV and stop being afraid to go outside and discover that the world is not as bad at the networks make it look.
I bought my first highboy, a 69 in 1970 when I was 18 years old and can't even began to tell about all the "experiences" I had with it over the next 14 years. Only sold it in 84 when I got married and bought a new house, I should have kept the truck and the old house, but sometimes you have to learn life's lessons the hard way. Enough rambling on, I have one question for you, I have read this entire post (all 40 pages) trying to find out what the red seat came out of, you may have already said but I could not find it. I love the style and how it looks in your truck. I now have a 72 Highboy in the middle of restoration and would like to find a similar seat for it. Thanks for your post and have a great day.
Thanks, i appreciate it!!
It's all about video games/TV now adays... but for me, if there is daylight i can not stand watching TV, i just feel like I am pissing away time when i could be making the highboy better.
Hopefully I'll never get rid of my highboy, never ever!
The red seat has a bit of a story to it, here's the cliff notes.
-I happened to come across a '72 bump for $500 on craigslist and felt like posting it on fordification just in case anyone was interested. It looked like it had lots of potential and was very original, paint was just oxidized.
-"Convincor" (member here that lives in connecticut) saw the post and wanted the truck
-we made a little deal where my dad and I would get the truck running and on to one of those semi truck car haulers to be sihpped across the US and I got the seat out of it

Really wanted that seat. So that's what we did and i put a super ugly green seat in there for him.
Anyways so i got the seat from another member on here basically. However I did do a little research on the seat a year or two ago. It is called a "kustom fit" (just double checked). Quick google search and i found the sit again
They only show modern versions and there isn't even much of that shown. I'd try calling if you're really interested and maybe they can do something? Maybe worth a shot
On a side note. I got home from work tonight and found a brand new MC isntalled on my truck! Thanks dad! woo!