I was looking her over this morning. There are a few little things that have been changed. Markers on the rear of the bed dual exhaust etc, The trans was savlaged out of a F-250 of around the same year. It replaced the 3-speed on the column. hurst shifter. The engine's long block was replaced years ago, so its not original but not new either. Its runs STRONG and idles every bit as smooth as my EFI 302. The duals that were installed many years ago still sound very good, original paint. She does have a few little rust bubbles in the paint, It comes with new carpet though it has not yet been installed. Its straight, some pretty big dents inside the bed from a gooseneck, but outside she is straight. Cranked fine with a weak battery. The old drum brakes still stop the truck fine.
I have agreed to buy her. Now I just have to get the $1,500. I hope the bank will loan it to me, They should.