1969, meet your new chassis

Here it is
1972 F250 4x4 4-speed, divorced t-case, 390 that ran when parked, Mike (guy i bought it from) has owned it since '75, has one WARN hub and the other is a Ford hub, dual saddle tanks so i will be able to use my custom door on the 69's body (the other saddle will go byebye probably, not sure).
The problems: T-case won't shift and yes the tranny is in Neutral. After asking in the 4x4 section apparently i probably just need to rock hte truck back and forth, same with the hub problem.
The Ford hub won't come out of LOCK
First thing i did was try and fire it up. Hooked my battery to it and tried starting it and the wires engulfed in smoke, between the starter relay and the alternator. So im swapping the wiring out.
So I'm hoping i can unfreeze the t-case and get the passenger side Ford hub to free up. And hopefully the 390 fires right up with new wiring. Other than that the chassis should be ready for a nice new body.
Body swap starst tomorrow after i try and get it to run and drive it