One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So he called one of His angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time.
When he returned, he told God, 'Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not.
God thought for a moment and said, 'Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion.'
So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time.
When the angel returned he went to God and said, 'Yes, it's true.The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5% are being good.'
God was not pleased. So He decided to e-mail the 5% that were good, because he wanted to encourage them, and give them a little something to help them keep going.
Do you know what the e-mail said?
Okay, I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either.
Holy e-mail batman!!
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- LUB69F100
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Holy e-mail batman!!
Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. BUT it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and smack the idiot upside the head.
I child-proofed my house.....but they STILL get in!
I child-proofed my house.....but they STILL get in!
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Re: Holy e-mail batman!!

John Member #1549
71 F100 Sport Custom__________1967 F350 Gone, but not forgotten

71 F100 Sport Custom__________1967 F350 Gone, but not forgotten

- wildcard
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Re: Holy e-mail batman!!
I was supposed to get one but it got lost in cyberspace.

- flyboy2610
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Re: Holy e-mail batman!!
I got one, but I can't tell you what it said. 

"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Red Green
If you're going to live like there's no hell...............
you'd better be right. ... ee-it.html
Red Green
If you're going to live like there's no hell...............
you'd better be right. ... ee-it.html
- RedneckTexan
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Re: Holy e-mail batman!!
HAHAHAHA! hey flyboy, did it say......
can't say!


- kaptnkaos
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Re: Holy e-mail batman!!
Yeah... I got that one too...
But I just can't keep a secret... It said he's comin' back soon... and boy is He pi$$ed.
But I just can't keep a secret... It said he's comin' back soon... and boy is He pi$$ed.

Washington...The land where rust is like the family pet...Ya learn to live with it and clean up after its mess... KaptnKAOS
"Olde Skool" '68 Ford Bluebird short bus
"FRODO" '68 F-250 Camper Special project
"Olde Skool" '68 Ford Bluebird short bus
"FRODO" '68 F-250 Camper Special project
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Re: Holy e-mail batman!!
My guess is it would say something like this:
It has come to my attention that the number of the faithful has been declining. There are two primary reasons for the Devil’s recent inroads. Firstly, some of you are afraid to let my light shine through you. I know you are not perfect but your life is a witness to what life can hold for those that attempt to discern and follow my will. It is OK to let others know you find my Word helpful when dealing with the trials and tribulations of life on Earth. Secondly, some of you are being obnoxious. Others cannot see me working through you if you scare them away. It is not about you. You are the vessel and a cracked pot at that. Chill out and let me work through you. Overall to be successful we need a whole lot of deeds and a few well placed words. When in doubt about how to proceed read my Word and then sit quietly for a spell and I will let you know what to do. Finally, under no conditions are you to judge others. You have no idea what I have planned or why I chose your miserable soul to help me with my work. I could just as easily have picked the person who you unjustly condemn and allowed your soul to burn in hell forever. So show a little humility and appreciation for the priceless gift you have received. Peace to you and to everyone you meet.
It has come to my attention that the number of the faithful has been declining. There are two primary reasons for the Devil’s recent inroads. Firstly, some of you are afraid to let my light shine through you. I know you are not perfect but your life is a witness to what life can hold for those that attempt to discern and follow my will. It is OK to let others know you find my Word helpful when dealing with the trials and tribulations of life on Earth. Secondly, some of you are being obnoxious. Others cannot see me working through you if you scare them away. It is not about you. You are the vessel and a cracked pot at that. Chill out and let me work through you. Overall to be successful we need a whole lot of deeds and a few well placed words. When in doubt about how to proceed read my Word and then sit quietly for a spell and I will let you know what to do. Finally, under no conditions are you to judge others. You have no idea what I have planned or why I chose your miserable soul to help me with my work. I could just as easily have picked the person who you unjustly condemn and allowed your soul to burn in hell forever. So show a little humility and appreciation for the priceless gift you have received. Peace to you and to everyone you meet.
69 F250, FE Specialties 410, CJ Valves, RPM Intake, Holley 4150,......10 Smiles per gallon
71 Clydesdale in many pieces; 302 roller motor waiting impatiently
71 Clydesdale in many pieces; 302 roller motor waiting impatiently