See you there. I have decided to take a load of stuff to sell. I have some consignment stuff that is just way too big for ebay like car hoods ect. I'll probably drive the cewcab and hopefully I can get a big enough space to park the truck and trailer in. I don't have alot of 67-72 stuff and usually you don't have anyone beating over each other for the stuff anyway. Buyers market except for FE speed parts. I will be stopping off in Ada on my way up Wednesday to look at Model A stuff. A chopped sedan body in particular. but he has a bunch of stuff so hopefully I can score a couple nice rust free frames. And down here rust free just means you can't poke your finger through it, doesn't mean it won't be orange. Pit free would be a better choice of words.
So if any of you guys see this stuff around keep me in mind.
And also if there is anything I can keep an eye out for let me know.
Chikasha Swapmeet Oct. 14-16
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- willowbilly3
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Chikasha Swapmeet Oct. 14-16
Great ideas have always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.
- lobuck76
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re: Chikasha Swapmeet Oct. 14-16
Ada is just 30 or 40 minutes from the house if you want to grab that steering column. Or maybe try to arrange a meet. Also do you need the shift linkage?

'71 F-100
- willowbilly3
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re: Chikasha Swapmeet Oct. 14-16
Sure but I will be coming through there mid morning on Wednesday. I am not sure where the guy lives that I am going to see. I will probably be coming in on 3 and going out on 19. I would like whatever you have that you don't need anymore.
Great ideas have always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.
- lobuck76
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re: Chikasha Swapmeet Oct. 14-16

Is anyone else going to chickasha? I am planning on going in the morning(friday)
'71 F-100