I'm planning on using my F100 for towing a loaded car trailer, in addition to it's duty as a daily driver. The stock 5-leaf setup was shot so it got tossed out and replaced with those from a '68 F100 Ranger and include the Flexomatic setup, but the springs are slightly worn....that is, on each leaf you can see a wear spot caused from the leaf immediately under it.
Here's a pic of my current setup
I'm kinda thinking that this setup isn't going to be enough for my needs, so I'm thinking about an upgrade from one (or more) of my parts trucks.
I have a '68 F100 with a 6-leaf setup and a factory helper spring. The springs on this truck are also worn about the same amount.
Here's a pic of the '68 F100's spring pack and helper spring
The '67 F250 I recently bought has a very nice (almost new) 7-leaf setup, though I realize that those Camper Special springs would rattle an empty SWB truck to pieces, so I'm thinking that I could just remove a leaf or two to soften it up a bit....so that it's stiffer than the F100 springs, but tolerable for daily use when the truck is unloaded.
Here's a pic of the F250's spring pack
So here are my options:
1) Remove a couple leafs from the F250 springs and use them. If I go this route, how many would I remove, and should I use the Flexomatic shackles and/or helper spring?

2) Just add the '68 helper spring to my current 5-leaf setup. I'd have to drill some holes in the frame to mount the brackets, but I guess that's do-able. But I'd still have worn springs.

3) Use the '68's 6-leaf setup w/helper spring. They're worn the same as my current 5-leaf setup, but it's still one extra leaf plus the helper spring.
So what do you think? Considering it's going to be a daily driver but will see semi-frequent use hauling a heavy trailer, I'm leaning towards option 1 and using the helper spring, but I'll welcome all insights and opinions.