Cab seam filler question

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Cab seam filler question

Post by Joshpow »

Does anyone know what type of sealer was used to seal the seam where the floor pans meet the firewall on a 71 f100? It is all chipped out on my truck, and I need to seal it back. I was wondering if it is just seam filler like seals the seam in the bedsides or if it is something else. If anyone knows what was used or something else that would work good to re-seal this seam please let me know.

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re: Cab seam filler question

Post by DuckRyder »

It is "Pour-able" seam sealer.

You need to DIG it ALL out if its that bad, and replace it with new Pour-able or self leveling seam sealer.

You will have to go to a Automotive Paint store to get it.
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re: Cab seam filler question

Post by FoMoCo »

3M fast n' firm seamsealer, or brushable seamsealer. Any auto paint store will have seamsealer.

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re: Cab seam filler question

Post by Pro-Street/StateTk »

My daughter took auto body repair at a local tech collage the instuctor
gave her a product called ( Fusor ) it says factory Match Urethane sealer/
Adhesive, athought it has not been open yet I can't say how it works, but he
said it was real good stuff. He gave it to her to seal cab seams. It is made
by LORD repair Adhesives, just a heads up.

:2cents: :$$:
Cut ( FOUR ) pieces of an old ford truck frame that has been junked, fit them to the inside of your good frame, add weld and bolts, the leafs are now inboard, time for the (big WIDE tires)!

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