this is what I came up with. Designed to be a 7x6 flatbed truck with a hidden towing unit on the rear. Will have a 3/16" diamond plate deck. Winch will be mounted under a trapdoor, with a dedicated battery foreward of that. Air tank hanging on the right side for OBA.
Not sure about this toolbox, might trade it for a standard cross-bed or design my own.

Still need to work out the rear bumper,sides, and headache rack.
Will have mounts for shovel, axe, hi-lift on the deck.
Also picked up a swivel cherry picker that will be mounted right next to the tow stinger. No pics of that yet.

In life many men take the path of righteousness, some take the path many others follow (G.M. owners, for example), some take a more arduous path, some a simpler path. I, sir, took the PSYCO-PATH!!