Hey ya'll,

i,m new to the forum, when i first found "FORDIFICATION", (which i was happy to find), i thought it incredible that there were so many other Ford Truck people out there that were willing to help other Ford people,

, i've been a Ford person, (car or truck), all my life. My DAD got me started and now i continue to pass down to my sons

, the Ford Flame. I want to Thank in advance anyone whom so ever helps me with my questions/problems,

, i have a 71 F250 2wd camper special sport custom, 360cid, 4spd w/a granny and 4:10 rears, it was love at first sight, it is my 6th, (sure wish i'd kept that 63'), NOTHING LIKE A FORD!!
Well anyway Hello to everyone and thanks for letting me be apart of this, Jeff.
The ONLY true thing WE OWN and have to GIVE is our WORD. I did what others did not want to, and became what others could not, now the best "REVENGE TO WAR" is to live the best I can.